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The MotionMonitor Applications

The MotionMonitor xGen provides real-time solutions in a wide range of applications that involve the study of human motion. The MotionMonitor xGen was designed to analyze all aspects of human motion beginning with the external stimulii that might effect human motion; the measurement and visualization of brain activity in response to that simulii; followed by the measurement and analysis of the muscle recruitment necessary to effect movement; and, finally to report the standard kinematics and joint forces that result. The stimulii are monitored in various formats ranging from one-dimensional targets to 3D immersive virtual worlds created in WorldViz and Unity. Visual Stimuli are presented on simple flat screens, head mounted displays, stereoscopic projection screens and the ultimate, Bertec Immersive Dome. Brain activity is synchronously captured from 3 different EEG systems providing the ability to easily identify events and correlate movement. Muscle recruitment is measured physically by all of the leading EMG systems. Additionally, individual muscle activity can be modeled with an integrated Muscle Model featuring user defined optimization routines. Inverse dynamics are derived from data collected with 10 different motion capture systems and all of the leading forceplate producers. The MotionMonitor xGen software is unparalleled in the breadth of technologies used to capture data and the depth of analyses that it includes. Review the following study areas for more details.

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Biomechanics & Life Sciences

The MotionMonitor xGen supports life science studies ranging from orthopaedics to kinesiology, exercise science, athletic training, strength & conditioning and sports medicine. Features include:

  • A wide range of visualization methods to display data in the most effective manner for your needs, including text; bar or time series graphs; animations; or 3D visualizations.

  • Raw and processed data, such as kinematics and kinetics, available from dropdown menus with no programming. User-defined formulas and scripts allow application-specific analysis for gait analysis, balance, reaching & grasping and more.

  • A variety of biomechanical modeling capabilities, including the ability to customize joint center definitions and local coordinate systems. Standard methods, such as International Society of Biomechanics (ISB) recommendations, and user-defined models are supported. Individual bones of the hand, foot and spine can be tracked, analyzed and visualized.

  • A CT-MRI registration to create a 3D rendering with subject-specific bone geometry. Anatomical landmarks can be automatically extracted from the scan and used to define the biomechanical model.

  • Integrated muscle modeling to visualize and analyze muscle forces and moments directly from motion capture data, using user-defined or imported OpenSim models.

  • Support for a wide variety of motion capture technologies, including cameras, inertial and electromagnetic sensors. Multiple kinematic technologies can be combined into a real-time hybrid motion capture system to simultaneously take advantage of the strength of each technology.

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Neuroscience & Motor Control

The study of neuroscience and motor control benefit from the variety of hardware and analyses built into The MotionMonitor xGen.

  • Use any of the Tobii head mounted eye tracking systems to capture real-time 3D eye-gaze data sychronized with other data. Analyze gaze intersections.

  • Capture EEG data with Biosemi or AntNeuro hardware. Appropriate for seated, standing and active tasks. Create user defined points of interest within EEG data based on other kinematic data.

  • Present visual, audio and tactile cues in real-time. User-defined visual cues can be presented in a variety of ways using simple geometrics shapes, bar or time series graphs or application specific visuals like a stoplight.

  • Extend visual feedback to virtual reality using The MotionMonitor’s bi-directional communication with Unity and World Viz. 3D visualizations can be presented in a variety of ways. Some examples include:

    The MotionMonitor Hand Lab: A stereoscopic screen & truss system designed for upper extremity research. Provides the ability for the subject to interact with 3D virtual objects presented on or in front of the screen.

    The MotionMonitor Immersive Display: A complete hardware & software solution using a co-located, half-mirror screen for reaching studies when visualization of the arm is hidden or perturbated.

    Integrated Research Environment System (IRES): A research quality environment created in partnership with Bertec. Features an immersive VR dome with 3D motion capture system and instrumented treadmill, powered by The MotionMonitor xGen.

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Rehabilitation & Ergonomics

The MotionMonitor xGen can assist physical therapists, athletic trainers and ergonomists for performing assessments, screenings and re-training:

  • Information in real-time offers the ability to assess performance and provide immediate feedback to the worker or patient.

  • Synchronized peripheral data, such as EMG and force plates, permits investigation beyond kinematics for other factors which may contribute to the movement.

  • A user-defined, icon-driven interface provides customization for your unique protocol to ensure robust and simple data collection and analysis.

  • Real-time biofeedback and virtual reality, using a variety of ways to display data, extends the assessment to training and behavioral modifications.

  • Raw, processed or user-defined data allows evaluation of the effectiveness of the rehabilitation technique or workplace environment. Custom reports can be immediately generated to share this data with clinicians, risk managers and others.

  • Real-world objects, such as tools or a teacup, can be tracked, animated and analyzed to monitor the worker’s or patient’s interaction with their surroundings during data collection.

  • Customized turn-key solutions, including portable systems, using a variety of mocap technologies allows data collection in any setting.

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Sports Biomechanics

The MotionMonitor xGen provides the ability to monitor athletes and enhance performance with many unique features, including the ability to:

  • Use the optimal motion tracking technology to track, animate and analyze the athlete’s movement and sport objects for golf, batting, pitching, tennis, bowling, biking and more.

  • Perform Sport-Specific Analysis for assessments, screening and return-to-play.

  • Access and visualize data in a variety of methods including report summaries, bar & time-series graphs, customized animations and traces.

  • Provide real-time feedback for training and performance enhancement using audio feedback. Extend real-time feedback using virtual reality to create an immersive experience for the athlete.

  • Use The MotionMonitor Special Purpose Applications for streamlined data collection and analysis of specific sports or sports-related movements such as:

The MotionMonitor Jump Pro: An ideal tool for PTs, ATs and coaches to quickly assess biomechanical & neuromuscular performance using a counter-movement, squat or drop jump.

The MotionMonitor for Baseball: A research quality motion capture solution with a streamlined process for tracking and analyzing a player’s pitching and batting motions.

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